Bulk Trucking & Grain
(585) 410-9041
Mount View Farms was founded by Chester Eastman in 1833. It has since been passed down through the Eastman family under various names and is currently operating under David Eastman, daughter Ellen E. Smith and her husband Ryan W. Smith.
Winter Wheat
Bulk Trucking
We also own & operate The Pumpkin Stand, open Labor Day through Halloween, offering everything you could want for the fall season!
Small square (wire) hay & straw bales
We sell by the bale or by the ton
We offer FREE Pick-Up at the farm, any quantity!
Delivery available within 50 miles. 50-75 bales minimum plus delivery fee.
Contact us for more details.
1990 W. Wycoff Rd, Ovid, NY 14521
(585) 410-9041

©2021 Mount View Farms | Website by Nana Potenza